Match to make complete sentences
Matching exercise
By Juan Ignacio Montorio
Match the items on the right to the items on the left.
When Edward became king...
Edward went to the funeral without Wallis.
because he hit her when he was drinking.
...because he met many different people.
...Wallis was afraid about her future with him.
when she took Edward's body to England.
Edward found his experience in the First World War interesting...
Edward went to the funeral without Wallis.
because he hit her when he was drinking.
...because he met many different people.
...Wallis was afraid about her future with him.
when she took Edward's body to England.
Wallis entered Buckingham Palace for the first time...
Edward went to the funeral without Wallis.
because he hit her when he was drinking.
...because he met many different people.
...Wallis was afraid about her future with him.
when she took Edward's body to England.
Wallis divorced her first husband...
Edward went to the funeral without Wallis.
because he hit her when he was drinking.
...because he met many different people.
...Wallis was afraid about her future with him.
when she took Edward's body to England.
When king George died...
Edward went to the funeral without Wallis.
because he hit her when he was drinking.
...because he met many different people.
...Wallis was afraid about her future with him.
when she took Edward's body to England.